Saturday, November 19, 2011

Watch Out, Apple ...Here Comes the Kindle Fire!

Hey guys kindle fire Launching their gadgets which is damn awesome.After this gadget you dont need to spend your big amount to apple.This device is by Amazon, As we all know amazon is a kind of all round online store,which encompasses all kinds of products you can ever imagine :)
of course kindle fire been there on the store for a long long long time.But now,the latest kindle fire is aiming to change everything for the better then past with amazon's own prime service

Amazon is going to launch new kindle,kindle fire & kindle Touch.Find more on kindle fire.

Kindle fire is unique then any other Andriod Tablet.Its very simple to use,it also comes with an intuitive UI which sense exactly what you are searching for.When you start this device ,the first presented with a shelf containing things that you have most recently explored.

This UI is very easy to use.even reading, page turning so on....
And graphics are awesome,vibrant color seems like life on the screen

all over its a powerful device with its dual-core processor,512MB RAM,7-inch touch screen.Its pretty seasonable with its price 200$ ... :) 

see the video of this device:


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